Adam PTA 252_04

Adam PTA 252_04 : Hurricane : ORBX ENG

Preset PTA P3D
Adam_PTA_252_04 PTA 2.52 P3Dv4.1

252_04 is a minor update from 252_03 but, for the first time, this new preset comes in three “flavours”: REX, FEX and ASCA. Though they’re similar, each has individual tweaks – and the required P3D HDR settings will be different in each case. You can always “mix and match” – just load up a different preset and apply it.

I’ve found that ASCA in particular seems to be affected by sky colours more, so there’s an alternative set of P3D HDR settings to try.

Changes from Adam_PTA_252_03:

  • HDR Values tweaked for the three main textures programs.
  • Low-level cloud colouring and brightness fixed.

REX4/Texture Direct P3Dv4 HDR settings:
Brightness: 0.75 | Bloom: 0.10 | Saturation: 0.94

Flight Environment X P3Dv4 HDR settings:
Brightness: 0.75 | Bloom: 0.10 | Saturation: 0.92

Active Sky + ASCA P3Dv4 HDR settings (two to try):
Brightness: 0.74 | Bloom: 0.10 | Saturation: 0.94
Brightness: 0.78 | Bloom: 0.00 | Saturation: 0.81